Jenkins CicdDiscover plugin


I worked through how to add in the trigger for building the new job in Jenkins after the CicdDiscover plugin created it – and realized… All it has to do is re-send the original /git/notifyCommit?url=Url hook.

The second time the CicdDiscover plugin will ignore it and the original Git plugin will catch and handle. This works.

In testing though I discovered that if I commit to the same repo, different branches, while a build to that repo is ongoing, the second notifyCommit seems to be ignored… Is it caught later by polling if we enable that? To catch the original notifyCommit message you have to at least enable polling in the Jenkins UI – but you don’t have to set an actual polling interval, so far we don’t set an interval at all. What happens if we do?

Is this an anomaly because of the CicdDiscovery plugin? I don’t think so, but needs to be watched for. Is this a feature or expected behavior of the git-plugin? Is this a bug?

Could this be remedied if needed by using the BitBucket plugin instead of the git-plugin? The bitbucket plugin seems to require way more configuration in the commit hook – but possibly supplies more information that would allow this kind of simultaneous build…

Next step is answering this…>/p>
