Bring in Git Submodule Code

So far git submodules are working for centralized code that repeats in use across repos and even organizations, and doesn’t change much. But one thing I run into constantly is where the code is for a repo I’ve just cloned that has a submodule, and even new repos as we re-architect some of our builds….

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Display the Content of an SSL Certificate

I’m finding one of the commands I run while debugging certificate generation and tweaks is: openssl x509 -in -text This displays the complete content of a cert, allowing looking inside to verify alt_names, etc, and verify that the generated certificate then works. — doug

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Nebula-in-a-Box POC Completed…

Nebula-in-a-Box actually works now. The latest problems were in ssl certificates, vault, consul, DNS, internal addressing, tuning consul to run as basically a single master instance (not designed for that). The Nebula-in-a-Box orion instance comes up now with consul fully functioning as service discovery and DNS. It registers and interacts with the local vault. The…

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Recover from id_rsa When Needed…

I run into this about every tenth day. Just enough off the pace of memorization to look it up when a switch misfires… ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/ Just in case. A lot of the work I’m doing today, and the last few days, is re-working id_rsa and other secret retrieval from vault, grabbing…

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