puppet errors: puppetlock and puppet certs

In working with puppet I often get the error “puppet run already in progress”  when I know no such run is happening…   The solution is to delete the file /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock and then try the run again.  The puppet command I use on the command line is: /usr/sbin/puppetd –server=puppet1 –onetime –no-daemonize –no-usecacheonfailure –ignorecache –no-noop -v…

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compacting logs

I love good tools.    I recently wrote a log zipping script specific to the environment I currently work in.  We don't remove logs from the servers (yet – that will change, but has not so far).  The partitions on which the logs live are quite large.  The servers' lifespan is short enough before rebuild…

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another tool for SVN – list_repositories.pl

    One of the features of subversion + apache2 is the ability to list repositories – natively.  SVNParentPath /apps/repos SVNListParentPath on Unfortunately, once you restrict the httpd.conf to individual repositories and start handling permissions separately you lose that.  Both of these permissions, set at the top level, at the parent path to the repositories,…

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svnadmin.pl – manage svn over apache

One of the tedious tasks in repository administration is managing users over repositories. Who has access to what repository and to what degree (read-only, or write). Subversion over apache2 allows a tremendous amount of control, down to individual directories within the repository. (see "Per Directory Access Control" in the subversion book). So far I haven’t…

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testing Crosspress (plugin)…

One of the issues with social sites, networking and the co-mingling of work and life – I can have several different “sites”, but I will never have the time to work with all of them. I will update this blog. I won’t necessarily ever get around to its copy on blogger. IF I can update…

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subversion compile and install

  as non-privileged user… Most Open Source software projects invite persons using their product to experience the joys of compiling the product. Subversion does not.   from INSTALL in the 1.5.6 subversion source code: This document is written for people who intend to build Subversion from source code. Normally, the only people who do this…

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      I’ve been working with Remote System Explorer (RSE), a terminal and ssh session manager that runs in the Eclipse SDK. This is very cool – the thing is, eclipse runs on Solaris, Linux, Windows, MAC OSX, IBM AIX (of course – IBM created the eclipse framework). It as close to an OS-agnostic…

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PermGen space error in jBoss

  “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space” First the application was acting really slow and sluggish, then stopped responding – in looking at the log we saw “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space” as soon as the application was accessed. The resolution was to set “-XX:MaxPermSize=128m” in the startup script. to the string sizing the jBoss server is now: “-server -Xms256m…

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how to monitor ibm mq from nagios

  This was one of the search terms that found an article here… I hadn’t addressed this directly, but I use Nagios to monitor my company’s server environment, and specifically implemented that monitoring for IBM Websphere MQ. For MQ, I run nagios monitoring against queue depth and processes. I installed three plugins to run against…

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two sticks – visual economics

  The world goes crazy because the money stops flowing. Why? George Dyson wrote an essay on current finances in the world. In that essay, he recounts the history of “tallies”, sticks of wood carefully notched to indicate funds and dates. Money deposited in the Exchequer for the use of the king was tallied, accounted…

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