SED (stream editor)

/dev/null; else cp ${i} ${i}.bak; sed “s/#Force all traffic through secure http/#Force all traffic through secure http\n RewriteCond \%\{REQUEST_URI\} \!\^\/jmx\/app_status.jsp/” ${i}.2; mv ${i}.2 ${i}; fi; done and in func… [root@p1-qaut1 ~]# func p1-vm167* call command run ‘for i in /etc/httpd/conf/ConstantContact*.conf; do if [[ `egrep “RewriteCond \%\{REQUEST_URI\} \!\^\/jmx\/app_status.jsp” ${i}` ]]; then echo $i…

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FUNC: which apps redirect from port 80 to 443?

I am migrating the load balancer pools from one F5 load balancer to another. Along with that move is a change to the monitor used to control automated load balancer status – when the app is stopped we have a sequence in the stop function which drains and then offlines the application in the load…

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