Hashicorp packer + winRM (windows AMIs)

I’m dealing with developers who work in windows and deploy to IIS. I haven’t built windows Amazon Machine Images before, so there were a couple of things to make work in packer. The first is a user data script passed over to enable and configure winRM at boot. The second was opening up the security…

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Ship Inside of a Bottle, Repeat

…in other words, DevOps. Github sends a notifyCommit message to Jenkins. That message passes through the Jenkins git plugin, which triggers a job if (1) there is a job configured with a git url matching the notifyCommit git url, and (2) there is a change to the code. If the job does not already exist…

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Troubleshoot Hashicorp packer AWS Instance Directly

I use GitHub to send a notifyCommit to Jenkins to kick off a pipeline job that spins up packer, calling ansible as a provisioner (along with some preliminary shell) to configure and install, which then tests (ansible properly formatted cover unit testing) integration using a temporary cloud formation using Hashicorp consul service discovery and a…

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