This starts with an abstracted config file… [python] ### variables (abstract these further and pull in as a seprate file – then create a new file for a new environment) region = ‘aws region’ cluster_name = ‘cluster’ amiid = ‘ami-123456789123’ instance_type = ‘t2.medium’ key_name = ‘aws key name’ subnet_id_1 = ‘subnet-123456789123’ subnet_id_2 = ‘subnet-123456789125’…
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boto3 (AWS & Python)
I’ve worked through the Amazon AWS CLI commands to create and then to deploy an ECS cluster using ec2 containers and an Application Load Balancer to deploy a docker nodejs app. In bash. Because the straightest line between command line and automation with no wasted motion is bash. Once. But if you want a supportable…
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