One of the features of subversion + apache2 is the ability to list repositories – natively. SVNParentPath /apps/repos SVNListParentPath on Unfortunately, once you restrict the httpd.conf to individual repositories and start handling permissions separately you lose that. Both of these permissions, set at the top level, at the parent path to the repositories,…
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how to monitor ibm mq from nagios
This was one of the search terms that found an article here… I hadn’t addressed this directly, but I use Nagios to monitor my company’s server environment, and specifically implemented that monitoring for IBM Websphere MQ. For MQ, I run nagios monitoring against queue depth and processes. I installed three plugins to run against…
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The first project I was given when I started at Evergreen Investments involved IBM’s WebSphere MQ messaging application. I took a development instance of the application and translated that to the requirements for a production deployment of the application. It has been completely bulletproof. Set up correctly and sized appropriately, it just works. Eventually all…
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