grub2 custom configuration

I run windows for Adobe Lightroom, an occasional foray into outlook, and for iTunes, Adobe Elements and Photoshop. I run linux for the terminal, the native command line for system administration, and for development. I am working with Jenkins Continuous Integration platform, which runs easily on Ubuntu. I’ve run development versions of a LAMP stack…

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find large files recursively

find the large files through a filesytem   cd [some directory] du -ak | sort -nr | more   search for a specific string through recursively, returning context and server if the string is found…   for i in `du -ak | egrep -v \.svn | awk ‘{ print $2 }’` do if [[ `grep…

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cygwin tools

I love the cygwin shell. It makes windows marginally useful as a sysadmin platform. It's one of the first tools I add to a base windows install.     I go to Cygwin setup.exe, down load it and run it. I download first without installing.     Create a local package directory (I use 20120518_cygwin…

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Why keep a resume current…

I try to update my resume every month or two. I make the time. I do the reading and the research to make it current and the best document I could have to represent me. I capture those tasks that help describe the role I have now. I edit the previous job tasks to simplify,…

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Truecrypt and KeePass, encryption tools

  A couple of years ago I lost a USB stick with 4 GB of data. Included on that drive were financial files that included my Social Security number (#AAA-55-1234), birthdate, full name – easily enough to steal an identity. The USB stick re-appeared. I did some research on encryption. I settled on a 100MB…

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SED (stream editor)

/dev/null; else cp ${i} ${i}.bak; sed “s/#Force all traffic through secure http/#Force all traffic through secure http\n RewriteCond \%\{REQUEST_URI\} \!\^\/jmx\/app_status.jsp/” < ${i} > ${i}.2; mv ${i}.2 ${i}; fi; done and in func… [root@p1-qaut1 ~]# func p1-vm167* call command run ‘for i in /etc/httpd/conf/ConstantContact*.conf; do if [[ `egrep “RewriteCond \%\{REQUEST_URI\} \!\^\/jmx\/app_status.jsp” ${i}` ]]; then echo $i…

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A/B Testing – of course…

A/B Testing

I skimmed a article, and then stopped. I read it more closely. The article was A/B Test: Inside the Technology That’s Changing the Rules of Business.                 Mentioned in the article was Google Web Optimizer. I found                 The ideas…

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a dreamhost review

Four stars… Mostly good. Glitches are few and they are far between. They are better by far than Hostgator. Hostgator squats on the https side of your domain, advertising on it. If you want that side of your domain clean, you have to pay them to stop by setting up https. Dreamhost does not, the…

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Func: Fedora Unified Network Controller

This is a replacement for remote command execution on servers via ssh.   It has some serious security advantages – it is never a shell, for example.  In managing five environments and over 1400 servers and 92 applications, tools are key. The install and configuration is at Once installed, you can verify that you…

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