two bugs…

I fixed two bugs in this site design…

The first was a failed comments function. The “Submit Comment” button failed to submit any actual comments. I hadn’t tested it. I was looking through google’s picture of the website, and found google complaining that /comments/feed (the rss url for comments) didn’t exist… OK, I can fix that. I’ll just submit an initial comment…

It would not submit, and further looking didn’t show any reason. I took a look at the comment code in a different theme for wordpress that did have the comment code functioning correctly, and by slowly changing one bit at a time, I got the code in this one to work

The second was minor – the “engineer” image was a relative link on the front page, and failed to translate (IT SHOULD!) to the comments page (WTF?). I changed that to a full URL and it should work now anywhere in the site.




Store and Forward Messages wrote about the irony of writing about SSL certificates in websphere MQ, and also running a site only under https (which this one is) without a proper certificate… He’s correct, that’s bug #3.

With the DNS exploits running particularly rampant, it’s no longer workable to leave a mismatched cert. Firefox 3.x also makes certificate errors much more glaring and intimidating. I ordered and placed a correct signed certificate.

The site now runs on port 8443 on a separate server with the corrected cert. I’m still investigating being able to port shift from the original (virtual) server at port 443 to the new one on 8443 without having to have the 443 cert validated… ProxyPass in Apache works directly to The old URLs will work the same and still throw the same certificate error. Directly to 8443 after that, and no further mismatches…

I can live with running this on a separate server, but the apache2 config for virtual servers SUGGESTS that each named server can use a separate SSL cert and it doesn’t work that way. All the virtuals use the first certificate encountered in the config.