Showing the Library Folder

chflags nohidden ~/Library/

Inside the Library folder are Application Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content and
Mobile Documents (local storage for iCloud).

I was intrigued by iA Writer – an app that runs on iPhone, iPad and Mac OSX, a minimal writing environment. It saves documents by default to iCloud, thus sharing between devices…

Being the experienced (working in Microsoft Word for DOS and watching documents explode and be gone forever…) user I am, I prefer control over my files. iCloud is designed to be obscured, to work within applications. But it can be worked with directly, you just have to know where.



I ran the unhide Library folder above, making Library accessible in finder.  

I went to Mobile Documents, and created an alias in my home dorectory called "iCloud"

I also saved this to the Favorites – but it refused to rename…  So it still shows up as "Mobile Documents."  Sigh…

