updating iLO, HP’s Integrated Lights Out Connection

iLo Web Interface

I was handed an HP server to rebuild. The server had rebooted for no logged reason. Two other servers bought at the same time and built with the same OS and firmware had also experienced this spontaneous reboot. These had been rebuilt and the rebuild at updated firmware and updated Ubuntu version had resolved the…

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monitor mongodb from nagios

I was asked to find a way to alert if the PRIMARY server in our mongodb replicaset changed… I found check_mongodb.py from the mongodb documentation and google search. Grab the check_mongodb.py file from https://github.com/mzupan/nagios-plugin-mongodb. Also here are the install instructions and the nagios configurations. I installed the check_mongodb.py file and tried it: ./check_mongodb.py No module…

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finding mongodb primary server

Ashley Lyn Urn

I found a monitor for when the PRIMARY of a mongodb replica set changes – but how to determine which server actually is primary? Well, this can be done on the command line… root@server:/opt/mongodb/bin# ./mongo –eval “printjson(rs.status())” MongoDB shell version: 2.0.4 connecting to: { “set” : “px_mongo”, “date” : ISODate(“2013-04-01T21:13:56Z”), “myState” : 2,…

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Two Instances of Dropbox on OSX


  I have a joint dropbox I share with my wife, and a personal dropbox account for professional docs. These articles, followed, allowed running two separate, easily identifiable instances of Dropbox on a MAC. Article from LifeHacker The Terran I used the preferences to set one icon as black and white, leaving the second colored…

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faillog and PAM…

I just spent a couple of hours discovering faillog integration into PAM… The original ticket was to reset a user password from the ubuntu root recovery session at the console. The ticket was old-ish. The server involved was DR (Disaster Recovery). No disaster, no urgency, therefore not a priority immediately. Once the password was reset,…

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networking in command line, Ubuntu 12.04 server

I created a virtual machine in vSphere to become a syslog server. I got the virtual machine created, the Ubuntu 12.04 Server iso attached and the OS installed. The next step was to created a network interface, attach it to the virtual switch and get networking (route, dns) to come up and function… I tested…

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upgrade mediawiki, lose image upload, recover

I upgraded mediawiki to latest stable. This was several months ago, and all seemed to be well. Today I uploaded a screenshot – no actually, I tried to upload and screenshot and couldn’t figure out why I could not find the link or place to upload the image… I put [[image:screenshot.png]] and the mediawiki code…

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Mountain Lion and “Save As…”

Sigh. OS X Mountain Lion is so good in so many ways, and yet loses. One gain was the return of "Save As…". To access this in a menu you hold down the option key and mouse over the menu. Under File, Save As… magically reappears. But the leyboard shortcut is NOT Command+Shift+S. Instead it…

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Showing the Library Folder

chflags nohidden ~/Library/ Inside the Library folder are Application Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content and Mobile Documents (local storage for iCloud). I was intrigued by iA Writer – an app that runs on iPhone, iPad and Mac OSX, a minimal writing environment. It saves documents by default to iCloud, thus sharing between devices… Being the experienced (working…

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Commonality in design considerations…

JunOS (or Junos or Juniper OS) divides responsibility between control plane, service plane, forwarding plane.  Thus a router controls access to itself, routing, ip adresses it owns,  possibly policies pertaining to how traffic will be handled.  Services looks at quality, quantity and rules within packets.  Forwarding is the acceleration of packet throughput – a lookup…

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